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Tag: rulings

Unpopular Supreme Court rulings can become ‘the fabric of constitutional law’

In remarks at a conference in Texas on Friday, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh said rulings from the tumultuous period between the 1950s and ’60s, though unpopular at the time, eventually came to be accepted as “the fabric of American constitutional law.” Kavanaugh was referring to the court under Chief Justice Earl Warren, which issued […]


Democrats eye Wisconsin high court’s new liberal majority to win abortion and redistricting rulings

MADISON, Wis. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will flip from majority conservative to liberal control in August and Democrats have high hopes the change will lead to the state’s abortion ban being overturned and its maps redrawn to weaken GOP control of the Legislature and congressional districts. Democrats in the perennial battleground state focused on abortion to […]


In latest abortion law chapter: Bill signings, court rulings

Courts this week blocked abortion restrictions from taking effect in two states, while lawmakers in a third are forging ahead with a plan for a new ban that’s less stringent than most. Those are some of the latest developments in an abortion landscape that is being crafted by lawmakers, governors and courts across the country […]


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