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Tag: retracts

Far-right OAN retracts report about Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels

By all appearances, lawyers representing the One America News Network — generally known as OAN — have been rather busy lately. A couple of weeks ago, for example, the far-right media outlet, facing a defamation lawsuit from Smartmatic, settled the case with the voting machine company. Last summer, OAN and one of its on-air personalities […]


Journal retracts studies Kacsmaryk cited in mifepristone abortion pill ruling

When U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk issued his ruling last year banning distribution of mifepristone, a commonly used abortion pill, it seemed fairly clear that the conservative judge had taken a political approach to his decision. Now, a medical journal has made that even clearer. Kacsmaryk’s ruling has been put on hold as the Supreme […]


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