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Tag: partisan

Partisan appointments to the CBN can tarnish the reputation and integrity of the institution, as it may be perceived as serving the interests of a particular political party rather than the broader public good.

Partisan appointments to the CBN can tarnish the reputation and integrity of the institution, as it may be perceived as serving the interests of a particular political party rather than the broader public good. — Adesina Adeniji-Adele (@adesina_adele) March 15, 2024 Source link


GOP claims that Trump faces ‘partisan’ legal attacks are nonsense

The right-wing reaction to Donald Trump’s ballot disqualification in Colorado is a reminder that Republicans trot out claims of petty “partisanship” every time their dear leader is met with accountability. But the claims don’t withstand even the mildest scrutiny. GOPers would have you believe that the many attempts to hold Trump civilly or criminally liable […]


‘Deliberate and anti-democratic’: Wisconsin grapples with partisan gerrymandering | Wisconsin

The Wisconsin supreme court will hear oral arguments on Tuesday in one of the most closely watched voting rights cases in the country this year. The challenge could ultimately lead to the court striking down districts in the state legislature, ending a cemented Republican majority, and upending politics in one of the US’s most politically […]


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