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Tag: Heroic

Gaza’s doctors are fighting a heroic, unsung battle

As an oncologist, it is difficult to provide cancer care even under normal circumstances. The disease is unforgiving, treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation must be timely, bloodwork is oftentimes checked weekly and scans must be performed regularly to monitor the tumor. To do all of this under the uncertainty and siege of war, without […]


Not Just Gal Gadot, Heroic Tales Of Israel’s Other Wonder Women Who Fought & Killed 100 Hamas Terrorists

Updated Oct 30, 2023 | 02:25 PM IST A Female dominated Israeli combat squad reportedly eliminated nearly 100 Hamas terrorists while protecting towns along Israel’s borders. Lt.-Col. Or Ben-Yehuda, the commander of the Caracal Battalion, made up mostly of female soldiers, said her unit showed heroic actions on the battlefield. Praising the fighters of her […]


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