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Tag: Freedom

Why the House Freedom Caucus chair’s political future is in doubt

Ordinarily, when Republican members of Congress worry about losing in a primary, it’s because they’re perceived as not radical enough: Those who stray too far from party orthodoxy and disappoint the GOP’s far-right base have come to realize that there are intraparty rivals waiting in the wings. With this in mind, it would appear that […]


The House Freedom Caucus’ newest problem: It’s shrinking

By any fair measure, the House Freedom Caucus has seen better days. The chamber’s GOP leadership, for example, has been working on appropriations bills to prevent government shutdowns by largely ignoring the right-wing faction’s demands. What’s more, the Republican Main Street Partnership recently made the unusual decision to go after a sitting Republican member of […]


In Florida, DeSantis’ ‘freedom’ rhetoric comes with fine print

When Gov. Ron DeSantis delivered his State of the State address in 2022, the Republican declared Florida as the nation’s freest state. In fact, the governor used the word “freedom” more than a half dozen times in his prepared remarks, concluding that the Sunshine State “has stood as freedom’s vanguard.” Soon after, the governor hit […]


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