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Tag: dire

Trump’s first criminal trial poses a dire political problem — and it’s only going to get worse

Conventional political wisdom suggests the first criminal trial of Donald Trump, which got underway in Manhattan last week, will have a minimal effect on the 2024 election. Many political observers see the allegations — covering up hush money payments ahead of the 2016 election — as relatively trifling, and certainly not comparable to the other […]


Polish foreign minister has dire warning for Mike Johnson on Ukraine aid

You must watch Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski’s chilling warning to House Speaker Mike Johnson — framed as an “appeal” — about Republicans blocking aid to Ukraine. During an interview for Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power” series last week, Sikorski pleaded with Johnson to stop preventing Ukraine aid from reaching a floor vote. In the clip, […]


Je pensais que tout le monde serait d’accord pour dire qu’Hazard était un meilleur dribbleur que Cristiano Ronaldo mais bon mdr

Je pensais que tout le monde serait d’accord pour dire qu’Hazard était un meilleur dribbleur que Cristiano Ronaldo mais bon mdr — Joyboy (@GTx_Joyboy) February 4, 2024 Source link


@MarcoKappa19 Vuole fare soldi e Jennifer Lopez, di vincere a calcio gli interessa pochissimo ma sa che voi quello volete sentirvi dire

Vuole fare soldi e Jennifer Lopez, di vincere a calcio gli interessa pochissimo ma sa che voi quello volete sentirvi dire — Justin Zahra (@It_Tre) October 26, 2023 Source link


@therebutstill Mdr sa fanbase m’épuise avant le flop de Scarlet ils étaient entrain d’insulter nicki h24 et dire comment doja should stay away from her, maintenant ils parlent bla bla bla pardooon

Mdr sa fanbase m’épuise avant le flop de Scarlet ils étaient entrain d’insulter nicki h24 et dire comment doja should stay away from her, maintenant ils parlent bla bla bla pardooon — User.Cl0wd (@WassupCl0wd) October 11, 2023 Source link


Svp comment des gens, peuvent me dire que Emily ratajkowski n’est pas là plus belle femme de ce monde https://t.co/Bj1e9…

ll_r=”madgame”;ll_bc=”#ffffff”;ll_hc=”#e22121″;ll_tc=”#555a69″;ll_cc=”#8d9aa6″;ll_dc=”#8891a8″;ll_w=””;ll_nf=”0″;ll_nc=”1″;ll_nh=”0″;ll_nm=”0″;ll_np=”1″;ll_pa=”0″;ll_nt=”0″;ll_wt=”1″;ll_fw=”1″;ll_n=”2″;ll_cl=””;ll_s=”w”; Svp comment des gens, peuvent me dire que Emily ratajkowski n’est pas là plus belle femme de ce monde https://t.co/Bj1e9v3yZY https://celebspop.site/svp-comment-des-gens-peuvent-me-dir…/ ll_r=”madgame”;ll_bc=”#ffffff”;ll_hc=”#e22121″;ll_tc=”#555a69″;ll_cc=”#8d9aa6″;ll_dc=”#8891a8″;ll_w=””;ll_nf=”0″;ll_nc=”1″;ll_nh=”0″;ll_nm=”0″;ll_np=”1″;ll_pa=”0″;ll_nt=”0″;ll_wt=”1″;ll_fw=”1″;ll_n=”2″;ll_cl=””;ll_s=”w”; Source link Source link


Svp comment des gens, peuvent me dire que Emily ratajkowski n’est pas là plus belle femme de ce monde https://t.co/Bj1e9v3yZY

Svp comment des gens, peuvent me dire que Emily ratajkowski n’est pas là plus belle femme de ce monde pic.twitter.com/Bj1e9v3yZY — thomas ? (edin terrozic out) (@inspec_gadgett) September 3, 2023 Source link


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