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Tag: cringes

Julia Fox seemingly cringes over ‘really embarrassing’ ex Kanye West

Julia Fox isn’t looking back fondly on her brief relationship with Kanye West. When asked in a Cosmopolitan video, shared on Monday, which of her exes is the “most cringe,” Fox tartly replied. “All of them, guys. They’re all really embarrassing. From my baby daddy…to the other one…,” she said, seemingly acknowledging West. Fox didn’t […]


Simon Cowell cringes on BGT as couple marry on stage days after his wedding reveal

Exclusive: Simon Cowell was not impressed by their audition, saying ‘I don’t know what’s happening any more’ to the audience Video Loading Video Unavailable The video will auto-play soon8Cancel Play now Amanda Holden admits she cried after returning to BGT He proposed to Lauren Silverman at Christmas, but Simon Cowell looked like he wanted to […]


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