d Americas – https://celebspop.site/

Tag: Americas

Trump’s immigration lies gloss over America’s real immigration problem

An increasing number of Americans are becoming concerned about immigration.  As am I. And I am an immigrant. But my concern isn’t tied to the specter of hordes of criminals crossing our borders, as Donald Trump and many of his supporters insist, or to immigrants causing the cost of urban housing to soar, or to […]


How Trump and Mike Johnson’s election voting attack echoes America’s racist past

Listening to Mike Johnson and Donald Trump’s fearmongering news conference about noncitizens voting in federal elections Friday, I was reminded of the long history of anti-immigrant rhetoric in the United States. As Paul Waldman explained for MSNBC last week, it’s already illegal — and incredibly rare — for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. The […]


Biden’s State of the Union address focused on America’s biggest health risk

This year’s State of the Union address effectively doubled as a campaign launch for President Joe Biden as he sought to highlight the risks of a second term for Donald Trump. Speaking a day and a half after Trump appeared to wrap up the GOP nomination, Biden put front and center the ways in which […]


Slave memoirs yanked the veil off of America’s facade

In the everlasting faceoff between Black history and America’s self-conception, it’s worth revisiting one of the fight’s earliest and most valiant weapons of war: the slave memoir. Narratives by formerly enslaved writers like Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass and Solomon Northup were critical to shedding light on the otherwise unthinkable realities of enslavement. Whatever idea of civility and […]


As Super Bowl kicks off, NFL ignores America’s growing gambling addiction

At NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s Super Bowl press conference, the commissioner smiled and laughed with host Tracy Wolfson as they marveled at this year’s host city. Las Vegas, Wolfson noted, “was taboo for so many decades with the NFL” because of its association with sports betting. I wonder if Goodell would have smiled if he […]


GoFundMe is a poor substitute for America’s tattered social safety net

The crowdfunding platform GoFundMe announced this week that it had hit a milestone: raising $30 billion since its founding in 2010. “This is a testament to the tremendous impact that comes from people asking and offering help,” CEO Tim Cadogan said in a news release. That’s up from $9 billion in 2019, something that can […]


Greg Abbott’s latest statement makes me fear for America’s future

I am not an alarmist by nature. From my time as a prosecutor investigating the Watergate scandal, I have never doubted that justice would prevail or that democracy would survive. I never doubted that our union would last — until now. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s actions at the southern border and his reaction to the […]


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