d Local Democratic chief to resign and nominate mayor to lead party – https://celebspop.site/

Local Democratic chief to resign and nominate mayor to lead party

Democratic Committeeperson Eamon Kelly, who has led the Democratic Party of Evanston (DPOE) since 2013, plans to resign and nominate Mayor Daniel Biss as the recommended candidate to fill the vacancy, Kelly confirmed to the RoundTable.

The local party’s board of directors will vote on Biss’ nomination at a virtual meeting Thursday evening. If the vote passes, Biss’ name will be sent to the Central Committee of the Cook County Democratic Party to either ratify him or appoint another party member instead.

Kelly told the RoundTable he’s stepping down to focus on his legal career, and is “super excited” to recommend Biss as his successor ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

“What he’s able to offer in his experience in fundraising and volunteer organizing, I think he’s gonna be in a better position to lead us in this really important election,” Kelly said. “It’s not very often you get somebody who’s run a statewide campaign [and] with his infrastructure.”

Biss echoed the upcoming election’s importance in a text message to the RoundTable.

“I greatly appreciate Eamon’s service to the party,” Biss wrote. “Democracy is on the line in the 2024 election and I’m excited to support the Democratic Party and help re-elect President Biden in any way I can.”

The mayor is not the only one interested, however. Deputy Committeeperson Christian Sorensen told the RoundTable he’s “certainly interested in any vacancy” for the local party’s top position.

“I believe my profile matches, I have interest in the job, I think it’d be a good fit,” Sorensen said. “But I also understand that there are other prominent Evanstonians, both politically and municipally, that are interested in the job, and we’ll have to see what comes on Thursday.”

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