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Tag: visitors

Trump asked for ‘quid pro quo’ from Kim Kardashian to score famous White House visitors: Book | News

Former President Donald Trump reportedly agreed to grant additional commutations for prison sentences Kim Kardashian was working on in exchange for White House visits from football stars familiar with the reality TV star, but the football players declined. The exchange is recounted in Jonathan Karl’s forthcoming book Tired of Winning, according to Axios. SPEAKER JOHNSON-ALIGNED […]


“Wonderland Dreams” immerses visitors in Alexa Meade’s dreamscape

NEW YORK – A sprawling exhibit on Fifth Avenue in Midtown invites visitors to get inside the world of “Alice In Wonderland.”  They become works of art themselves in a dreamscape maze called “Wonderland Dreams.”  It is immersive art to overwhelm your senses and trick your eyes. What initially looks like flat paintings are three-dimensional […]


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