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Tag: tpi

The Scarlet Tour — TPi

With previous production design iterations featuring everything from giant sprawling arachnids to roadie-powered dinosaur skeletons, hair monsters and a mud bath, Doja Cat’s long-awaited tour of UK and European arenas promised an unparalleled experience. Following a successful, albeit typically rainy Mancunian festival welcome to the UK by way of Parklife, TPi tracked down the team […]


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4 thun lalu nonton Maroon V disini and will be back again buat nnton coldplay akhir bulan nanti, semoga covid nga meraja lela, cukup justin bieber aja kemrin yg udah beli tiketnya tpi konser di batalin ken doi sakit huhuhu https://t.co/X5XF4nLRtF Source link


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