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Tag: Senate

Biden’s diverse judicial nominees move swiftly through Democratic Senate after spring frustrations

By Tierney Sneed, CNN (CNN) — As the start of summer brought several landmark Supreme Court rulings that jerked the law to the right, across the street, the Democratic-controlled Senate was confirming judicial nominees whose progressive legal backgrounds served as a foil to the direction the conservative justices were heading. Two weeks after the court […]


Kim Kardashian and many other parties caused the removal of Roe v Wade. Organized protest to force senate to remove it. Democratic party wanted more votes it should stay gone unless a trial happens. It was removed after catching a assassination attempt on me. #TheKardashians

Kim Kardashian and many other parties caused the removal of Roe v Wade. Organized protest to force senate to remove it. Democratic party wanted more votes it should stay gone unless a trial happens. It was removed after catching a assassination attempt on me.#TheKardashians — Trag (@Trag01944259) June 30, 2023 Source link


Indianapolis Councilor Potts launches Democratic bid for open U.S. Senate seat

Indianapolis City-County Councilor Keith Potts would be the first openly gay man to serve in the U.S. Senate. Courtesy of the Potts campaign A second Democratic candidate has thrown their hat into the ring for Indiana’s open 2024 U.S. Senate race. Indianapolis City-County Councilor Keith Potts is launching what he hopes is […]


Kim Kardashian, Chloe Kardashian and many others did Roe v Wade. Organized protest to force senate to remove it. Blue party wanted more votes and got them it stays gone till a trial which will happen.

Kim Kardashian, Chloe Kardashian and many others did Roe v Wade. Organized protest to force senate to remove it. Blue party wanted more votes and got them it stays gone till a trial which will happen. — Trag (@Trag01944259) June 26, 2023 Source link


Both Democratic, GOP primaries in 29th Va. Senate District are too close to call | News

Both the Republican and Democratic primaries in the 29th District state Senate races were too close to call as of midnight Wednesday. In the Democratic primary, incumbent state Sen. Jeremy McPike was leading his challenger, Delegate Elizabeth Guzman, by just 46 votes. McPike had garnered 6,204 votes compared to Guzman’s 6,158, according to still unofficial […]


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. emphasizes the importance of a democratic election and hits DNC in speech to New Hampshire Senate

CNN  —  Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist who launched his 2024 presidential bid earlier this year, discussed the importance of a democratic election and critiqued the Democratic National Committee over the push to change the presidential nominating calendar in a Thursday address to the New Hampshire Senate. Speaking to lawmakers […]


Hopefuls for Feinstein Senate seat woo Democratic activists

On the largest stage to date in the race to replace retiring California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the three top Democratic candidates dashed through their state party’s convention this weekend in downtown Los Angeles, courting delegates, meeting with potential backers and trying to build early support in the unpredictable contest. Rep. Katie Porter snapped selfies with […]


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