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Tag: Pierce

Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to Yellowstone federal citation

Pierce Brosnan has pleaded guilty to going in an off-limits area of Yellowstone National Park, reversing his earlier plea of not guilty after he received two federal citations. The 70-year-old actor was accused of committing two petty offenses — “foot travel in all thermal areas and w/in Yellowstone Canyon confined to trails” and “violating closures […]


Pierce Brosnan pleads not guilty to Yellowstone citations

Pierce Brosnan has pleaded not guilty to venturing into an area of Yellowstone National Park that is off-limits to visitors. The actor, known for playing James Bond, was issued two federal citations last month that accuse him of petty offenses on Nov. 1: “foot travel in all thermal areas and w/in Yellowstone Canyon confined to […]


5 Parvo Puppies – The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County

After losing one of their siblings to the deadly parvovirus, five puppies diagnosed with the same  fatal disease are fighting for their lives, suffering from severe  vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Your gift today will provide lifesaving medications, IV fluids, nourishing food, and safe shelter for these five vulnerable puppies and thousands more like them. Please […]


Cowboys Fresh News Messi Cristiano Ronaldo Mo Salah NBA Warriors Steph Curry Lakers Lebron Taylor Swift Maluma Neymar Biden Lindsey Benzema BREAKING NEWS Broncos #GenocideSupporters Christmas Dolphins Macron Chiefs Antonio Pierce …..

Cowboys Fresh News Messi Cristiano Ronaldo Mo Salah NBA Warriors Steph Curry Lakers Lebron Taylor Swift Maluma Neymar Biden Lindsey Benzema BREAKING NEWS Broncos #GenocideSupporters Christmas Dolphins Macron Chiefs Antonio Pierce ….. https://t.co/yqEecFuQ24 — Gohary in Gaza? (@Elgohary4434888) December 26, 2023 Source link


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