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Tag: Nitrogen

Alabama’s attorney general shares a grim prediction about executions with nitrogen gas

Shortly after Alabama carried out its historic and widely criticized decision to execute a prisoner using nitrogen gas, the state’s attorney general told residents to expect more such executions and encouraged other states to use the previously untested method. Alabama executed Kenneth Smith, who was convicted of murder, on Thursday — and it was the […]


The inhumanity of Kenneth Smith’s execution is about more than nitrogen gas

The outrage over Alabama using the previously untested method of nitrogen gas to execute 58-year-old Kenneth Eugene Smith on Thursday night isn’t misplaced. The use of any human being as a “guinea pig” for a method of execution, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, makes the blood boil.  But there’s a chance […]


Supreme Court’s Sonia Sotomayor dissents from Alabama’s nitrogen gas execution

The Supreme Court approved a human experiment Thursday in Alabama without bothering to explain why. The GOP-appointed majority’s order simply said, “The application for stay of execution of sentence of death presented to Justice Thomas and by him referred to the Court is denied. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.” That was […]


The Supreme Court confronts a nitrogen gas execution method

Alabama intends to conduct a human experiment of sorts this week, with an untried execution method: nitrogen gas. The subject of Thursday’s impending experiment, Kenneth Smith, wants the Supreme Court to stop it. There’s little reason to think the GOP-appointed majority will.  The state has previously attempted to kill Smith, who was convicted of murdering […]


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