d Gillette – Page 2 – https://celebspop.site/

Tag: Gillette

Y'know how after the '07 Rugby World Cup, Bryan was in those Gillette ads with Roger Federer, Thierry Henry and Tiger Woods? Rugby stardom hasn't been like that since then has it? I personally can't tell if anyone got that kind of reach since then, at least.

Y’know how after the ’07 Rugby World Cup, Bryan was in those Gillette ads with Roger Federer, Thierry Henry and Tiger Woods? Rugby stardom hasn’t been like that since then has it? I personally can’t tell if anyone got that kind of reach since then, at least. https://t.co/aOA5jcBVYK — RUGBY WORLD CUP 2023 ENTHUSIAST (@DhlakamaRussell) […]


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