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Tag: cover

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s new Resident Evil 4 costumes cover Frank West in a sack and a miniskirt 

If dressing Frank West as Mega Man Battle Network’s Lan Hikari and the Resident Evil 2 remake’s Licker wasn’t strange enough, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster ups the ante with its Chainsaw Villager and Ashley Graham DLC costumes. Based on their appearances in the Resident Evil 4 remake, these cosmetics give Frank two very different but […]


I never have and NEVER WILL cover my body for any #religious reasons. I do it only for my personal health A prediction NO LIVING BEING outside of me could have ever made. As no one/not any living being has and/or could have ever fathomed ME to be THIS completely #unfuckwitable. https://t.co/Ois8l7wyzK

I never have and NEVER WILL cover my body for any #religious reasons. I do it only for my personal health A prediction NO LIVING BEING outside of me could have ever made. As no one/not any living being has and/or could have ever fathomed ME to be THIS completely #unfuckwitable.… https://t.co/AsEmby45uG pic.twitter.com/Ois8l7wyzK — Renée […]


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