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Gordon Ramsay jokes he will ‘kill’ daughter’s boyfriend after calling him ‘pathetic’

Iconic chef Gordon Ramsay terrified his daughter Megan’s new boyfriend with a little phone call Video Loading Video Unavailable The video will auto-play soon8Cancel Play now Tilly Ramsay has fun in the sun in a red bikini on her family holiday Gordon Ramsay was completely ruthless as he called his daughter’s boyfriend ‘pathetic’ in a […]


Sir Sidney Poitier dead: Oscar-winning actor, director and activist dies aged 94 | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Actor Jeffrey Wright wrote: “Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. With love.” Sherrilyn Ifill penned on Twitter: “This beautiful, brilliant, talented Black man. Rest in Peace and Power.” Representative LaKeshia Myers added: “To Sir Sidney Poitier, with Love. What we have […]


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