d Megan Thee Stallion’s mental health PSA to Check In On Your Friends – https://celebspop.site/

Megan Thee Stallion’s mental health PSA to Check In On Your Friends

It’s well-known that rap star Megan Thee Stallion is a savage. 

However, she also wants it known that it’s OK to not be OK.

That’s why Megan Thee Stallion, known by her birth name Megan Pete, is starring in a public service announcement (PSA) titled “Check In On Your Friends” that was released Tuesday morning.

The ad is part of the ongoing Seize the Awkward campaign from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Jed Foundation and the Ad Council, which is intended to promote mental health awareness and conversations among young adults.

In the PSA, the typically-confident Pete details her own struggles with mental health issues and the importance of being vulnerable while seated in a slowly crumbling room.

“I’ve always been told I got to be strong; thick skin, stiff upper lip, tough as nails,” she said in the ad. “But to be everything for everybody, it wears on you. ‘Black don’t crack,’ they say, but it can. I can. We all can.”

Later in the 45-second ad, Pete encourages viewers to check in on their friends who may be dealing with behavioral health challenges and directs them to check out the microsite for Seize the Awkward as well as BadBitchesHaveBadDaysToo.com, which is her own website that offers a wide array of mental health resources.

The ad was produced pro bono by creative agency Droga5, which is part of Accenture Song, and directed by Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah of Greenpoint Pictures. Going forward, the PSA will air nationally on broadcast, digital, social, out-of-home and print mediums. 

This includes donated media support from Snap Inc., SXM Media and TikTok, among others.

“I’m proud to team up with Seize the Awkward and use my platform to help normalize conversations around mental health,” she said in a statement. “It’s important that we regularly check in on our friends and family and make sure to show empathy, encouragement, and love when they’re struggling. A strong support system can make a powerful difference in someone’s life.”

Beyond the ad featuring Pete, there will be a #SeizeTheAwkward influencer activation in partnership with Black-owned influencer agency Kensington Grey and shareable gifs available on Giphy to help young adults spark necessary conversations around mental wellbeing online.

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is a hotline for individuals in crisis or for those looking to help someone else. To speak with a trained listener, call 988. Visit 988lifeline.org for crisis chat services or for more information.

For a January 2024 article on the internet trauma dumping on Elmo, click here.

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