d Heart of Stone Star Gal Gadot Rallies Against Hollywood’s Obsession for Gender-Swapping Male Characters – https://celebspop.site/

Heart of Stone Star Gal Gadot Rallies Against Hollywood’s Obsession for Gender-Swapping Male Characters

Gal Gadot has already played some tough female characters on screen, and in Heart of Stone she is adding another action heroine to her roster of impressive roles. Her role of intelligence operative Rachel Stone is one that is already being compared to being “the female James Bond”, but while there may be similarities between the two, Gadot is not on board with the Hollywood trend of taking a male role and gender-swapping it. For that reason, she wanted to make sure that Rachel Stone was a character built on “her own DNA.”

Speaking with Total Film ahead of the action movie’s release, Gadot addressed the way Hollywood is constantly taking male movie characters and gender-swapping them without thinking about how the characters should be different beyond just their gender. She said of Heart of Stone:


“I wanted to show a great story about a female character who is doing it in the action genre. Right? She is thriving. But at the same time, how many times have they just switched gender? They take a story that all about the men and they just change it to a woman, and then go shoot it? To me, it was so important in the DNA to make Heart of Stone a little different, because men and women are different. They’re built differently, they operate differently.”

Having spent many years as Wonder Woman, it is not surprising that the actress feels passionate about bringing strong female characters to life on screen in their own right. With so many movies taking what is seen by many as the lazy option of piggybacking the success of a male-led franchise but replacing the lead or leads as females, Gadot’s perspective is one that Hollywood should try to listen to.

Related: Gal Gadot Hopes Heart Of Stone Will Become the New Bond, Explosive Image Released

Heart of Stone is Inspired By Male Action Heroes, but Stands on its Own Merits.

Gal Gadot to Headline James Bond Style Spy Franchise with Heart of Stone

Despite her comments, Gadot is the first to admit that it was growing up with the likes of James Bond, Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt that made her want to make Heart of Stone. However, she didn’t want to see one of their stories being repeated, and instead wanted to turn it into a female perspective of a male dominated franchise.

In throwing herself into the role, Gadot was more than happy to take on as many action sequences as she was allowed to. One thing that Heart of Stone tries to do is make sure that the big stunts were also grounded, in the sense that there was “a science” behind the possibility of them actually being achievable by someone and not completely unbelievable. Of one scene on top of an exploding blimp, Gadot said:

“The scene was even crazier, at a higher altitude, and we got into the science of it and dialled it down so that a human could do it. That was something I wanted to really make sure we nailed. That could be done by people. What I can do as an actor, I’ll always go for it and… fight with intention and really perform that. The crazy, crazy stuff, I can’t, they won’t let me!”

Heart of Stone will be released by Netflix on August 11.

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